Friday, September 01, 2006

The trip to the floating market and all was on the ninth of August. We spent the next couple of days in Bangkok, including a trip to Chinatown, and on the 13th we got the train to Chiang Mai, arriving on the 14th. We also bought our one way tickets to Delhi, India on the 13th and we got our Indian visas in Chiang Mai. First we tried going on the 15th, but that was Indian independence day and after paying for a taxi we arrived at the consulate only to see a sign saying closed on the 15th and 16th. I had read in the Bangkok post the day before that it was an Indian national holiday but I hadn't had the cop on to realise that it would mean the consulate was closed.

So the next day was Donna's birthday and we decided to do the bungy jump. We were all very nervous and at first I wasn't going to do it but I decided at breakfast that I might as well.

On the journey there we were all really quiet and our driver was doing all the talking, trying to encourage us and telling us he had never done it because he always chickened out at the last minute.

We got there and they convinced us to pay an extra 100baht for a roll of film which would give us nine photos each. Stephen went first and made it much more difficult for the rest of us because it took him ages to work up the courage to do it. He kept leaning out but stayed holding on and every time he leaned out we all thought he was going to go. Donna went next and also took a while to work up the courage but she was a bit braver than Stephen. Then Sheena went and we were all very worried for her. I thought she was going to back out and I knew she would have regretted it a lot and we were all shouting up to her and trying to encourage her. She told us to shut up. I really though she was going to go back down and then next thing she was jumping. I missed taking a picture of her because I was waiting too long and it was lashing rain down on my camera. Then it was my turn and I jumped off straight away, just because I'm an all round legend. It was a great buzz, but I was really uncomfortable hanging upside down while I was lowered, it was a strange sensation, and I also felt my head filling up with blood. Then we waited for another girl, who had driven our there herself on a scooter, to make her jump because she was all alone and we wanted to offer some support.

It was a great experience and I'm glad we all did it.

That night we had dinner in a really expensive restaurant. It was so expensive that the four of us at a starter, soup and main course and a beer, soft drink and water for the equivilent of 70 euros between us all. That's under 18 euros each. Very cheap at home but it was the most we'd spent on food since we got here and more than we spend on an average day in total.


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